വലിയ ചിത്രം

പരേതയായ എലിസബത്ത്  ചാണ്ടപ്പിള്ളയുടെ ഒന്നാം ചരമ വാര്‍ഷികത്തില്‍ (ജനുവരി 9) ചെയ്ത ധ്യാനപ്രഭാഷണം. ലിറ്റില്‍ റോക്കില്‍ താമസിക്കുന്ന ഫാദര്‍ ജോണ്‍ ഗീവര്‍ഗീസിന്‍റെ  ജേഷ്ഠസഹോദരനായ ചാണ്ടപ്പിള്ള ഗീവര്‍ഗീസിന്‍റെ പത്നിയാണ് പരേത.

ഏതാണ്ട്‌ 12 മിനിട്ട് നീണ്ട ഈ  പ്രഭാഷണം താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു. 

You may also read a summary of this speech in English here.


Dr. Alex Alexander said…
Dear John: Thank you very much for letting me listen to your talk on the Big Picture. I got the gist of it since my speaking proficiency of Malayalam is limited to the "home vocabulary" learnt from my parents. As I may have told you before, my entire education in Madras was primarily in English with Tamil as my second language. So, much of the sanskritized Malayalam words are beyond my comprehension. But, I enjoyed the three parts immensely and got the thrust of your message, viz., the big picture puts in perspective our apparent mortality in a wider panorama of the immortal trasncendence into the bosom of God's Heaven. Your singing voice was superb and hypnotic. That I enjoyed even more despite my greater difficulty in following the meaning of many portions of the lyrics. The tone of the voice and the cadence even without any accompaning instrument were both superb. Again, thanks for sending the link to me. Perhaps, you should develop several such short talks and fuse them with musical interludes and record them for distribution to Churches.
Best regards, Alex
Cheriyan Thomas said…
Dear John Sir,
We heard your speech. It was good. A consoling speech indeed for the departed's loved ones.

The BIG picture concept was good. It motivates people to look beyond. One can say it's a kind of ray of hope or light at the end of the tunnel.

A Beloved one leaving us to travel some where distant disturbs us. Observe the Appetite, sleep and other things. Everything gets disturbed. Without our knowledge itself the Body does all these things reflecting our thoughts on separation with him or her. How wonderful it is!!!.
But if such a short term distancing can cause such havoc, just imagine when our beloved is gone forever. It's shocking.
In such a case, the BIG picture helps us a lot.

A Christian's BIG PICTURE is that We will all meet in that beautiful shore (Heaven). It arouses some kind of relief. Wow!!!!!!. Just imagine such a huge re-union!!!!. All of them meeting at one shot. No painter can paint it.

Especially Orthodox Christian's worship order empahasize on afterlife on each prayer uttered. This reflects how much, the Church gives weight on the BIG PICTURE.
Moreover, we believe that we (Physical beings) and the Spirits (our departed Beloved ones) too participate in Holy Qurbana. How consoling it is !!!!!!. It's like meeting all loved ones on a weekend. It's good.

The story of Buddha, the Parable of the Rich fool, the Story of Job and Wife all added meaning to your Speech and I should say that your speech was a simple one which anybody can understand.

Cherian Thomas,
G. Johnson said…
I listened the whole speech last month, the concept of BIG PICTURE, influenced me a lot. I shared the thoughts in the Prayer meeting. It is a very good idea that you publish the speeches and thoughts exactly as it is delivered. Keep doing it. Thanks.


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